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Superannuation & Insurance Claims

Superannuation & Insurance Claims

Many superannuation policies provide potential benefits should a member become sick, injured or, in the worst-case scenario, die.

Members often do not realise that their superannuation schemes might offer lump sum benefits or ongoing benefits which can significantly ease financial distress.

If you are a member of different funds, you might also have insurance cover under each of those funds and be able to make multiple claims.

At Connolly Suthers we can help you with your claims and our expert lawyers can ensure that you are aware of all possible entitlements, the process of accessing those entitlements, and what to do if your claims are denied.

If you would like to know more, or would prefer to speak to someone, make an enquiry now and we will be in touch with you very soon.  

How do I lodge a claim?

Typically you must lodge a claim form, one or more supporting medical reports, medical records, authorities and written submissions.   It is essential that you get help with a claim.

A claim for superannuation, disability insurance, or death benefits can be complex. The success of any claim often depends upon the trust deed or insurance policy wording and the available medical evidence.

Can I appeal a decision to deny a claim?

If you are already in dispute with an insurer or super fund over an entitlement, our lawyers can help you challenge the fund’s decision by requesting a review and if necessary by taking court action.

There are often strict time limits that apply and you should seek legal advice immediately.

What will it cost?

Our no-win no-fee scheme is usually available for superannuation claims, so you will only pay our legal fees if your super claim is won.

Your legal costs will depend on the amount of work required to resolve your claim and each situation is different. We are happy to advise you on your situation during a free consultation. Contact us now to make an appointment.

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