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Estate Administration

Estate Administration

The administration of a deceased estate can be a lengthy, complicated and challenging process—logistically and emotionally.

Connolly Suthers provides a range of services to efficiently, objectively and sensitively assist with estate administration:

  • interpreting, communicating and enacting the will
  • collecting the funds, assets and property of the estate
  • transferring and distributing these assets to the nominated beneficiaries
  • administering an estate where there is no will, or an invalid or incomplete will, in accordance with the rules of intestacy
  • finalising affairs, in consultation with accountants and financial advisers, as required
  • administering succession plans
  • obtaining probate or letters of administration
  • initiating or defending challenges to a will.

Connolly Suthers can assist executors and trustees in administering the estate, and beneficiaries in managing their requests.

In most of our initial client interviews for an Estate Administration file we are asked the question "what actually is probate?". Most people have heard the term but very few are aware of what it actually is. We have drilled down on the FAQs and answered them in this Probate 101 document. 

What will it cost?

After reviewing your situation and instructions we will provide you with a costs disclosure before doing any work for you. 

There is no obligation if you decide not to proceed after receiving our costs disclosure.

For advice on Wills and Estate Administration, please call or email: 

Make a Wills and Estates Enquiry

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